BUC earned the UUA’s Green Sanctuary designation in 2012.
Since then the Green Sanctuary Ministry at BUC has hosted many services focused on environmental topics, changed out dozens of lightbulbs for LED bulbs, held courses and book discussion groups, worked with our youth groups, and raised funds for recycling pickup through the sale of reusable shopping bags, among many other activities.
In 2019/2020 the UUA has ‘refreshed’ the program, with three focus areas: Mitigation, Adaptation, and Environmental Justice. The Environmental Action team is working to address those areas as well as fulfill the Climate Change Resolution.
Learn more here.
Climate Change Resolution of 2020
The Climate Change Resolution of 2020 was approved overwhelmingly at the BUC Annual Meeting in June 2020. The Resolution committed us to:
- Continuing support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (currently being promoted by the Citizens Climate Lobby)
- Education on the use of fossil fuels, their impacts, and alternative energy sources, including the carbon footprint of our church campus and our individual homes and how it can be reduced
- Education on environmental justice and collaboration with frontline communities
- Rededication to our membership in the UUA Green Sanctuary program which includes work in the general areas of mitigation, adaptation, and environmental justice.
All members and friends of BUC are welcome to join the Environmental Action group, and/or to participate in our programs. To find out more, contact Jane ONeil at janeaoneil@gmail.com.